Writing an OS in Rust

Philipp Oppermann's blog


这个博客系列用Rust编程语言编写了一个小操作系统。每篇文章都是一个小教程,并且包含了所有代码,你可以跟着一起学习。源代码也放在了Github 仓库

最新文章: Async/Await


创建一个不链接标准库的 Rust 可执行文件,将是我们迈出的第一步。无需底层操作系统的支撑,这样才能在裸机bare metal)上运行 Rust 代码。

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在这篇文章中,我们将基于 x86架构(the x86 architecture),使用 Rust 语言,编写一个最小化的 64 位内核。我们将从上一章中构建的独立式可执行程序开始,构建自己的内核;它将向显示器打印字符串,并能被打包为一个能够引导启动的磁盘映像(disk image)。

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VGA 字符模式

VGA 字符模式VGA text mode)是打印字符到屏幕的一种简单方式。在这篇文章中,为了包装这个模式为一个安全而简单的接口,我们将包装 unsafe 代码到独立的模块。我们还将实现对 Rust 语言格式化宏formatting macros)的支持。

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CPU异常在很多情况下都有可能发生,比如访问无效的内存地址,或者在除法运算里除以0。为了处理这些错误,我们需要设置一个 中断描述符表 来提供异常处理函数。在文章的最后,我们的内核将能够捕获 断点异常 并在处理后恢复正常执行。

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Double Faults

在这篇文章中,我们会探索 double fault 异常的细节,它的触发条件是调用错误处理函数失败。通过捕获该异常,我们可以阻止致命的 triple faults 异常导致系统重启。为了尽可能避免 triple faults ,我们会在一个独立的内核栈配置 中断栈表 来捕捉 double faults。

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本文主要讲解 内存分页 机制,一种我们将会应用到操作系统里的十分常见的内存模型。同时,也会展开说明为何需要进行内存隔离、分段机制 是如何运作的、虚拟内存 是什么,以及内存分页是如何解决内存碎片问题的,同时也会对x86_64的多级页表布局进行探索。

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Heap Allocation

This post adds support for heap allocation to our kernel. First, it gives an introduction to dynamic memory and shows how the borrow checker prevents common allocation errors. It then implements the basic allocation interface of Rust, creates a heap memory region, and sets up an allocator crate. At the end of this post, all the allocation and collection types of the built-in alloc crate will be available to our kernel.

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Allocator Designs

This post explains how to implement heap allocators from scratch. It presents and discusses different allocator designs, including bump allocation, linked list allocation, and fixed-size block allocation. For each of the three designs, we will create a basic implementation that can be used for our kernel.

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In this post, we explore cooperative multitasking and the async/await feature of Rust. We take a detailed look at how async/await works in Rust, including the design of the Future trait, the state machine transformation, and pinning. We then add basic support for async/await to our kernel by creating an asynchronous keyboard task and a basic executor.

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Status Updates

These posts give a regular overview of the most important changes to the blog and the tools and libraries behind the scenes.

First Edition

You are currently viewing the second edition of “Writing an OS in Rust”. The first edition is very different in many aspects, for example it builds upon the GRUB bootloader instead of using the `bootloader` crate. In case you're interested in it, it is still available. Note that the first edition is no longer updated and might contain outdated information. read the first edition »


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